Thursday, August 1, 2013

Today...and some other days

2 Years Ago Today: I took some radioactive pills that eradicated the thyroid cancer cells in my body. I came home from the hospital and entered my bedroom to be in isolation for 3 days, instructed to drink gallons of fluid and suck on hard candies to keep my salivary glands from being too damaged by the drugs.

1 Year Ago: I was nearing the end of a busy summer of ministry in Bundibugyo. We had hosted 3 interns, I had helped organize a public health fair, and to keep things interesting--my house flooded.

2 Months Ago Today: I flew back to America, knowing I was back for the foreseeable future. I had gotten bumped up to business class and after nearly 4 weeks of travel, I was loving the extra space. My parents greeted me at the airport and as always, I felt a bit disoriented as I entered a home that felt so familiar and yet completely foreign.

Today: My bedroom is tricky to navigate as the boxes take over. I've gotten slightly more used to living in America--enjoying the climate control, carpeting, convenience of smartphones, and orderliness of lines. I miss my friends in Uganda but am thankful for cell phones and being able to connect occasionally. I wish I could grow more accustomed to the constant state of transition that comes from traveling, moving, and switching cultures.

In 2 Days: I will move to Philadelphia; probably the biggest life change of the year. From the bush of Uganda, 8 hours from any real city to a house in a city with a population of 1.5 million. Most of me is excited, a small part is terrified.

I continue to be amazed at what can happen in just a few years or months. God orchestrates the big and little events in life as he pulls me, stretches me, grows me, and uses me. I still battle with the anxieties and stress that comes from transition but I have also learned the freedom that comes from trust. He is my Shepherd and I shall not want. I can move forward free from fear because I know that He loves me. And for that, I am so thankful.

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